Gliscor looks like it's a poisonous, vampire-like scorpion/bat thingy, but strangely enough it's ground/flying-type, having immunity to electric-type attacks (despite it being a flying-type) and ground-type attacks. That combination also takes away a weakness to rock and grass, but Gliscor is extra vulnerable to ice-type attacks. Thankfully, it has a very good attack stat and an even better defense stat, while also capable of taking a special-based hit. And because Gliscor is also quite zippy, it will strike first very often. Yeah, Gliscor is a great Pokémon to use in the video games, and I can say that due to my own experiences with Gliscor in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. It's almost a wonder the goofy Gligar evolves into the vicious-looking Gliscor (by leveling it up at night while it's holding a Razor Fang), because Gligar is actually a lame Pokémon in my opinion. I don't like it that much, so I was surprised that Gamefreak actually came with an evolution of Gligar in the fourth generation. And it looks cool, too! Besides, even though I don't watch the anime anymore, Ash also had a Gliscor (see images below; click on them to enlarge, or drag them to other tabs), although its whereabouts are currently unknown. Too bad it was more like a cuddly, happy fellow often close to bursting into tears, or so it looks like according to Google Search. Well, maybe that has something charming, after all. Anyhow, Gliscor is a great Pokémon and therefore it deserves a spot in my list of favorite Pokémon!
Hi, guys! I'm a huge Pokémon fan (although I'm 23 years old I think you can't outgrow Pokémon!) and this is only just a fan blog, not an official one. I'll start off with my top 50 favorite Pokémon, posting one Pokémon every day! I hope you'll all enjoy my blog!
#45: Druddigon
And there we have the first fifth generation Pokémon in my list of favorite Pokémon: Druddigon. Dragon-type Pokémon have been around since the first generation, with the Dratini evolution line strangely enough as the only first generation dragons. I can understand they haven't made Charizard a dragon-type, for it's one of the first starter Pokémon and dragons are quite overpowered, but Gyarados shouldn't have been made part flying-type. Anyway, throughout the five generations there have been strange dragons that don't even look like dragons (Altaria and Vibrava and Flygon, for example), but Druddigon looks more like your average old-fashioned dragon from the bedtime stories than any other dragon-type Pokémon, at least in my opinion (see image below for a picture of a heavily 'real-made' Druddigon; click on it to enlarge it, or drag it to another tab). That's exactly why I like Druddigon: it's so obviously clearly a dragon to see. And it looks vicious, too, although that does not really apply to Druddigon in the video games. It's got good attack, but it is really slow and it often gets hit first. Thankfully it has a good amount of defenses to back it up, so it's definitely capable of taking a hit twice or more. And if the offensive Pokémon uses a physical-based attack, Druddigon's ability Rough Skin triggers, doing damage even before Druddigon gets the chance to attack. A good combination of the right ability (it can also have Sheer Force, not a bad ability either), slow speed and high attack can make for a great Pokémon to add to your team. I've never used it before, but I can understand it's a good Pokémon. It's one of my favourite Pokémon because of its design, though.
#46: Tyranitar
#47: Rampardos

#48: Rhydon
Yup, at number 48 you can find the rhinoceros Pokémon Rhydon. At first, I didn't really like or dislike Rhydon; it was just an average Pokémon being there just for the sake of it. Then why the hell is Rhydon in this list? Because I found out it's the first Pokémon ever created, that's why! You'd expect the first Pokémon to be Bulbasaur or even Pikachu, but Rhydon was drawn up before any other Pokémon, even its pre-evolution Rhyhorn. According to interviews with Ken Sugimori, who always creates the official Pokémon artwork, Rhydon's index number in the game code is 001 in the first generation, precisely because it was the first coded in. There are also early sketches of Rhydon from Capsule Monsters, the conceptual predecessor of Pokémon (see image below; click on it to enlarge it, or drag it to another tab). How awesome is that?! Besides, in the video games it's quite strong, too. It has a ton of attack and defense, while having abominable special defense and special attack. The latter doesn't really matter, because Rhydon doesn't need that stat, anyway. But don't let it get hit by a special-based attack, because it will almost certainly get knocked out in an instant (except maybe when it is resistant to that attack). You'll find it to be difficult to avoid special-based attacks, anyway, because it's slow as tar and doesn't often get the first hit. I don't use it very often, but it is strong and it can have a diverse movepool, too, so it's not a bad Pokémon to use. I'll just stick with other Pokémon though, and let Rhydon be one of my favorites just because the whole Pokémon hype has begun with it.
#49: Golduck

#50: Spheal
Oh yeah, the ball that should resemble a seal. I really wanted to add Spheal to my top 50, because it's just too cute to ignore. I mean, just look at it and tell me that you are not touched by that cute little ball! YOU CAN'T! The position in my list of favorite Pokémon is purely based on cuteness, though. It looks like it can be used for anything you need a ball for: soccer, basketball, bowling, pinball (which Gamefreak actually did in Pokémon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire) and bouncing around on a bouncing ball; you name it. That's just too adorable! I never really used it in the video games, especially because it's not very strong. It evolves into Sealeo and eventually in Walrein, but even Walrein is not a great Pokémon to use in-game, at least in my opinion. It is quite slow to begin with. Its defenses are not bad, however, but compared to any water starter Pokémon it's not really diverse. Its special attack stat is the best of all stats, but there are more water-type Pokémon who can learn Surf or Ice Beam and can pull it off way more easily than Walrein can. No, it's an alright Pokémon, but not one of my favorites: Spheal is! It's almost a shame Spheal loses its cuteness when it evolves into Sealeo, anyway. Gamefreak should have come with such a Pokémon much sooner! Yes, the 3rd generation may have been a letdown (most Pokémon I dislike come from the 3rd generation!), but they have done something right! And Spheal is not the only 3rd generation Pokémon in my list of favorite Pokémon; there are more to come! Oh yeah, definitely check out the picture of a plush Spheal below. Cute! I want one!
My top 50 favorite Pokémon
Hey guys! I am The Shiny Luxray and I started this blog because I really wanted to post my top 50 favorite Pokémon of all time on the Internet! Why? I've been a huge fan of Pokémon since it first came out in 1998, it's that simple. I collected cards from the official Trading Card Game, official video games for the Gameboy and Nintendo DS, stickers, pogs, stuffed Pokémon, action figures, etc. etc. etc. You name it. Nowadays, I only have the video games left, but they're also the kind of 'toys' I'll purchase. In October Pokémon X and Y will come out and I'm definitely going to buy both!
Of course there have been Pokémon I really liked or strongly disliked (or still like or dislike). I've made a top 50 of my favorite Pokémon, although it definitely wasn't easy! So, what's my top 50 based on? Well, design is the biggest factor: my top 50 is generally based on how awesome a Pokémon looks, although there are other factors, too. How long it takes to make a Pokémon evolve in the games, for example, or the way a particular Pokémon evolves, together with the strength of a Pokémon and my own experience with particular Pokémon throughout my 'journeys' in the games. Also, 6th generation Pokémon are not included yet. I'll make a new list when I'm completely used to those new Pokémon and when I know how they work out in battles!
I'll post one Pokémon in my top 50 every day if I can, so be sure to check out my blog daily! Enjoy! Oh yeah, keep in mind that you'll occasionally encounter two or three (or more) Pokémon on one particular position, like an evolution chain or something. It's a little useless to put Ponyta on #50 and Rapidash on #33 when I like them both, for example... Also, when I'm finished with my favorite Pokémon, I'll see if I can make a list with my least favorite Pokémon! That list will probably not be a top 50, though.
Of course there have been Pokémon I really liked or strongly disliked (or still like or dislike). I've made a top 50 of my favorite Pokémon, although it definitely wasn't easy! So, what's my top 50 based on? Well, design is the biggest factor: my top 50 is generally based on how awesome a Pokémon looks, although there are other factors, too. How long it takes to make a Pokémon evolve in the games, for example, or the way a particular Pokémon evolves, together with the strength of a Pokémon and my own experience with particular Pokémon throughout my 'journeys' in the games. Also, 6th generation Pokémon are not included yet. I'll make a new list when I'm completely used to those new Pokémon and when I know how they work out in battles!
I'll post one Pokémon in my top 50 every day if I can, so be sure to check out my blog daily! Enjoy! Oh yeah, keep in mind that you'll occasionally encounter two or three (or more) Pokémon on one particular position, like an evolution chain or something. It's a little useless to put Ponyta on #50 and Rapidash on #33 when I like them both, for example... Also, when I'm finished with my favorite Pokémon, I'll see if I can make a list with my least favorite Pokémon! That list will probably not be a top 50, though.
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