Yeah, coming in at number 9 are Togepi and Togetic. Where Togekiss is at, you ask? Well, I don't like Togekiss as much as its pre-evolutions. Generation IV came with many final evolutions of Pokémon from previous generations, but many are a little lackluster, if not to say horrific. Lickilicky, Probopass and Tangrowth are terrible, whereas Gallade, Gliscor, Rhyperior, Yanmega and Electivire are very nice Pokémon, indeed. There is a group that's in-between; Mamoswine, Magnezone, Dusknoir, Magmortar, Honchcrow, Roserade and also Togekiss are just fine and strong Pokémon to use, but not in the least special design-wise. In fact, that's the reason why I
do like Togepi and Togetic and why I
don't like Togekiss: its design is quite... lame. Togepi and Togetic are just too cute, Gamefreak ruined it by giving Togetic an evolution. Togekiss is a strong Pokémon, though, and it will definitely be a great addition to your team. By bringing it back to the Move Relearner it can learn Aura Sphere and Air Slash, as well as SolarBeam, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast and Grass Knot through TMs and Heat Wave, Signal Beam and Hyper Voice through Move Tutors. Magical Leaf as a Togetic is also an option, as well as Metronome just for the hell of it. Don't expect too much of it in battles, but it can be quite fun to see your Togekiss pull off some random move.
Any move, actually, with a few exceptions. Please note that the above moves are all special-based, because those kind of moves is what you want your Togekiss to learn in the first place; its special attack is its best stat, followed by special defense. It also has quite a good amount of defense and speed, so it's definitely not a bad Pokémon at all. Remember you have to evolve Togepi by leveling it up one level at a high friendship level and Togetic by using a Shiny Stone on it.

Nah, Togepi and Togetic are definitely way more adorable and that's exactly the reason why I like them. In fact, I've had a thing for Togepi ever since it first appeared in the anime. Though weak, Togepi was charming, cute and unworried and its constant factor in the anime ever since episode 50 made me like it more and more. The same counts for Pikachu, too, as it is number 37 in my list of favorite Pokémon. Anyway, found as an egg in episode 46, Togepi hatched in episode 50 while Ash, Misty and Brock had been constantly fighting about who should take care of the egg. Eventually, Misty was the first human it saw. Thus seeing her as its mother, Misty decides to take care of Togepi. And, without anyone knowing it, Togepi saved the day in some very dangerous situations. Togepi was a hero without it being aware of that, can you imagine?
Although Togepi is officially from the second generation, it had been constantly seen as Misty's pet from the second half of the first season until the end of the fifth season (Master Quest; Johto period). After that, May took over the role of traveling companion from Misty, though Misty appeared in two more episodes. In these episodes, Ash, Misty, Brock, May and Max enter the Mirage Kingdom to save the Togepi Paradise from the evil Colonel Hansen, a crooked Mirage Kingdom official. In order to save the Togepi, Misty's Togepi evolved into Togetic and, after the battle, decided to stay behind to protect the Kingdom and Paradise and the Togepi who lived there. After having been so attached to Togepi, I was quite touched by these episodes and that's way Togepi and Togetic are two of my personal favorites.
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