
#16: Archen & Archeops

Oh yeah, I talked about Archeops two articles ago, in my article about Aerodactyl. If you want a powerhouse you are better off with Archeops, but if you want a more stable Pokémon you should consider Aerodactyl as your fossil rock/flying-type Pokémon. I'll get back to you on that. Now, if you look at the title you see that this is all about Archen and Archeops. The reason why these two Pokémon end up higher in my list of favorite Pokémon than Aerodactyl is that Archen and Archeops just look more awesome. Some colorful, fluffy dinosaur bird Pokémon? I mean, just stop messing with me! Based on the archeopteryx, Archen and Archeops may be capable of flying, but they are more comfortable when standing on solid ground. They are among the best generation V Pokémon, in my opinion, and I definitely always choose Flume Fossil (which recovers Archen) over Cover Fossil (which recovers Tirtouga, some prehistoric tortoise). Archeops is undoubtedly stronger than Carracosta, Tirtouga's evolution, and it is remarkably zippier. Much zippier. In fact, Archeops is among the fastest Pokémon in the fifth generation, while Carracosta is among the slowest. The combination of high speed and even higher attack makes Archeops a powerhouse. As an Archen it lears Acrobatics, which does 165 damage (due to STAB; Same Type Attack Bonus) when it is not holding an item. definitely keep that move around, because you're going to need it very often! Its defenses are bad, but that is not really a problem if you outspeed almost every Pokémon out there. No, its ability is the only letdown. It has Defeatist, meaning Archeops' attack and speed will be cut in half when its HP reaches 50% or less. That stinks! Archeops is speedy and strong, but that doesn't mean it's going to KO everything right away or that it's not going to take hits. Definitely watch out around that ability; use a potion when it's HP gets below 50% or switch it out. Otherwise, you should definitely be fine with Archeops, especially since it learns many moves of quite some different types!

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