
#42: Skuntank

At number 42 in my list of favorite Pokémon you can find Skuntank. Needless to say it's based on a skunk and that it is poison-type. It is also a dark-type, eliminating its weakness for psychic and neutralizing its weaknesses for bug and fighting, which leaves it only vulnerable to ground-type moves. That's neat. It's not overly strong, though, but does that mean Skuntank stinks? Well yeah, literally it stinks because it's a skunk, but offensive-wise it's quite alright. Heck, even defensive-wise it is capable of taking a hit and its speed is not too shabby, either. Overall, Skuntank is nothing more than an average Pokémon, but it would be a good addition to any team. Yeah, good, not great, fantastic or excellent. Just good. But why do I like this Pokémon again? Christ, I have no freaking idea! I guess I just like it. It looking like some vicious-looking skunk can help, too. You know, sometimes there is just no explanation for why I like a specific Pokémon. During playing Pokémon Diamond it was just one of my six main attackers and it hardly ever fainted. It swept the floor with Lucian, the fourth member of the Elite 4, too. Not to mention it just looks cool, period.

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