
#30: Cresselia

And we've entered the top 30 of my list of favorite Pokémon, and coming in at number 30 is Cresselia! She's only the third legendary Pokémon in my list, but she won't be the last one, although two of the four remaining legendaries will appear in my top 10. I can already tell you that Darkrai, the other half of the lunar duo consisting of Cresselia and Darkrai, is not one of them. Darkrai is weird and way too evil a Pokémon to like. I don't dislike it, but Cresselia is more beautiful and way easier to obtain in the games. And although I like cool Pokémon, Darkrai just doesn't appeal to me due to its scary characteristics. Darkrai is said to appear at new moons, giving people nightmares (yuk!), whereas Cresselia does exactly the opposite: she is said to appear at full moon, giving people pleasant dreams. I mean, let's face it: who likes nightmares? Exactly, no one does! Besides, Cresselia is just a beautiful Pokémon to look at. No, seriously, she just screams beauty! Her design and appearance are the only reasons why I like Cresselia so much, though. In video game battles she's quite weak, although if you know what you're doing Cresselia can be cleverly used. She has very average attacking stats, but a ton of defense and special defense and quite good speed to back that up. I'm not a strategist, though; my only strategy is to attack at full power, hoping to knock out the Pokémon I'm facing with one or two hits. (Now, don't go thinking I don't make use of type advantages, physical and special moves, defense and special defense stats, items, and other sort of stuff; I'm just too impatient to let my Pokémon pull off some boring status moves every time.) I can't sweep the floor with my enemy by using Cresselia, so I don't use her very often. Actually, I don't use her at all, but I'm happy this Pokémon exists.

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